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 Coldwater Map - Hospital & Historic District:

Historic District Map

Start your Coldwater Virtual Tour by selecting a block to view photo and businesses for that block:
H1 H2 H4 H5 H6 H7 H9 H11

More about this historic district:

Technically, this region is "the residential portion of the original East Chicago Street Historic District." Coldwater is blessed with many officially recognized historic districts, though most are not marked, except for this one and, of course, the Coldwater Downtown Historic District. The de facto western boundary of the East Chicago Street Historic District is where the sign is posted at Jefferson Street, so this is the region recognized by the Coldwater Virtual Tour. Most of the homes in this district were built between 1850 and 1930, with Greek Revival, Late Victorian, and Late 19th / 20th Century Revival Architecture. All the homes are beautiful, and many are quite large with large lots. Because the homes lie along the major through street, many have been converted into businesses, including the famous Chicago Pike Inn. The businesses can be found within the green regions in the map above. The business owners are committed to preserving the historical significance of their buildings, so enjoy a walk through history as you patronize the businesses in this beautiful area of Coldwater.

  Other Coldwater regions: Downtown · North Marshall St. · East Chicago St. / Willowbrook ·
    Burnside Area (N. Michigan Ave.)
· S. Division St. / Clay St. / Angola Rd. · West Chicago St.     [see MAP of all regions]

  Page Last Updated 2009/12/04. © 2007-09 - Coldwater, Michigan. All Rights Reserved.