Free! Business Listings
Example listing:
I am a
business owner. Is my listing really free?
Yes! Every business in Coldwater gets a free listing. Here's what's
- Business name (usually as it
appears on the sign in front of your business)
- Category (currently choose
just ONE main category - click here to see
- Sub-Categories (up to 8 key
words of your choice)
- Address (physical address)
- Telephone Number (main number)
- Short Description (50 words or
If your business is in one of the
six main regions, you also get (and should already have) a map block
assigned and a photograph of your block with your business in it. (If
your business is not in one of the six main regions, don't worry, I'm
working on new ways to help guide your customers to your business.)
How do
I sign up?
Hopefully, your business is ALREADY included! To check this, return to
the main page, then click on
the letter matching the first letter of your business, then find and
click on your business name. Just check your listing to see if it is
correct and has the description you want. If you want to make any
changes, simply click on the button below to send an Email.
Be sure to mention that you are the business owner (or other authorized
individual) when sending your Email.
If your business is missing, click the button to send an Email,
but tell me that I missed you and request to be added, and include in
your Email the business name, category, sub-categories, address,
telephone number, and short description. Your mailing address must be
"Coldwater, MI 49036" to participate in
home-based businesses have a listing?
Yes, yes! Especially since you don't usually find home-based businesses
in a phone book and possibly not anywhere else online. You don't have to
have filed a DBA with the county... as long as you have a Coldwater mailing
address (note: address doesn't have to be made public), and your are offering
products and/or services on a continuous basis (i.e., not just a one-time sale),
and you want people to call your phone number, feel free to sign up!
How do
I expand my listing?
You may want to expand your listing to give your customers all the
other information that they need, such as an expanded description,
business hours, fax number, mailing address (if different than physical
address), store photo (inside or outside), corporate logo, link to your
company's full web site, etc. For these I will ask that you pay for a Premium Listing. The Premium Listing is
entirely optional, and rates are very reasonable and more
affordable than other mediums such as newspaper, radio, or printed
phone book.
Any other questions or suggestions? See the Frequently Asked Questions,
or Email
(click on the link to reveal Email address).
Or: Return to Home
Page Last Updated 2014/09/27. © 2007-14
- Coldwater, Michigan. All Rights Reserved.